Best Small Business Consulting Firm in the Upper West Side

Local Support to Help Your Small Business Thrive

Local Support for Small Businesses in the Upper West Side

At ProStrategix Consulting, we’ve been in your shoes. After 25 years serving businesses all across Manhattan, we've either lived through what you're facing or helped someone like you. To put it bluntly, we can support you whether you need help raising money, finding a way to get unstuck, or making your business run more smoothly. More than that, we know how New York City can be very temperamental. Businesses in the Upper West Side are going to be very different from businesses in some other neighborhood.

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The 3 Biggest Challenges Small Businesses Face in the Upper West Side

The Competition

It’s safe to say that if you’re trying to do business anywhere in the five boroughs, you’ll be trying to contend with several businesses. Considering there are 8 million people in this city and 220 thousand businesses, it is never easy to attract the attention of your target audience. How can you stand out?

Each neighborhood in Manhattan has different needs and relationships with the city. This is especially true for the Upper West Side, where you are trying to stand out amongst some of the biggest museums and shopping areas in the world, along with a very glitzy residential area. Plus, access to the Upper West Side via subways can be difficult, so you’re competing with an entire island you can’t easily access.

In a similar way, do you know how to target the market that you’re really looking for? And more than that, can you guarantee that it will recoup the budget of your marketing? These are just some of the questions you’ll need to ask yourself about your small business.

Hiring in Manhattan is Tough

Hiring the right talent in New York City can be difficult. The majority of people in the city work at small businesses. So what does that mean? Well, you’re competing with most of the other businesses in the city for the same talent pool, which can be difficult. But at the same time, there are just as many potential employees that wouldn’t actually benefit your small business.

Fashion businesses, museums, restaurants, shops, and more all populate the Upper West Side. But how can you make sure that your present and future staff enjoy their time at your business? It isn’t just perks, but the environment of your company. What do you offer that other people cannot?

Finally, how do you make sure that you’re hiring the right people in the long run? In other words, you have to make sure that your employees are happy in the long run. But they also have to be the kinds of talent that you want to hold onto. This is another tough balance that you’ll need to keep in mind.  

Finding Real Estate isn't Easy

You know that old adage about finding real estate: the three most important things are location, location, and location. Whether starting or expanding your small business, you need the right location. When it comes to New York City, that is even harder considering how expensive real estate can be.

If you’re looking to open a storefront on the Upper West Side, you’re contending with some of the most expensive property values in the city. How can you stand up against these other companies, and can you afford some extremely pricy property?

So how do you make all of this happen?

Solutions To The Problems Small Businesses Face in the Upper West Side

Small businesses in Manhattan typically need our help for a number of reasons. However, three key problems come up frequently which may resonate with you.
How do you beat the competition?

Let’s take this in two steps. First, we can consider the marketing aspect. Then we will look at standing out as a better option for your potential audience. Marketing is tough. It always involves either a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of stress, or some combination of the three. By making a marketing plan for yourself and your staff to follow, however, you can prepare for the future.

Knowing just how much you’ll be spending on marketing in a period and making sure that you have goals will keep your company focused on success. There are affordable solutions you can keep in mind as well.

Trying to stand out as a strong alternative to other companies can be a bit harder. But by offering services that set you apart, you’ll make your business more memorable. This can take the form of working deeply with the local community on the Upper West Side, or by setting up relationships with other parts of the city. Getting your business recognized down in Chelsea or SoHo can be hard when you’re so far away, but it isn’t impossible.

How do you hire the right people?

Hiring the right people on the Upper West Side isn’t much different from hiring anywhere else in Manhattan. The biggest issues on the Upper West Side can be transit-related, but also you will be contending with many similar businesses in the biggest city in the world. Standing out is important for sales, but it is important as well for seeking talent.

Sometimes a fresher face is better because they can bring different perspectives to your company that you don’t already possess. Similarly, find out what your current employees want. Happy talent equals satisfied talent. Whether its flexible schedules, working from home, benefits, or something else; you can often find a way to make your employees happy in the long run.

How do you find the right real estate in the Upper West Side?

This is going to be hard in any neighborhood, but the Upper West Side in particular is a massive area with lots of competition and high rent. That said, there are some massive perks to opening a store on the Upper West Side, especially when it comes to foot traffic. Consider taking out a loan, or work with other forms with business funding in order to open your doors successfully.

If you’ve already been operating a small business and are looking to expand, you need to make sure that whatever location you’re traveling to fits your already targeted demographic. Will you be catering to the same clientele you’ve been handling, or will you be looking for a different kind of person entirely? No two businesses are the same, but you’re going to want to find a market that isn’t too different from what you’ve already found successful.

ProStrategix Advisors Formula

For small businesses in the Upper West Side, we provide a package of comprehensive services designed to help small businesses tackle any of the problems mentioned above.
Overall Service

The overall goal of ProStrategix Advisors' services is to help small business owners identify the root cause of their problems, isolate them, and then apply the most appropriate solution. Below you can see some of the services that we provide to small businesses.

Develop a Marketing Plan

ProStrategix Advisors' sister company ProStrategix Consulting can help you design a marketing plan. Our staff has a deep understanding of different forms of marketing, from social media to ad sales and more. On top of that, our specially developed marketing plan design can help any business prepare themselves for anything that is thrown at them.

A business’s marketing plan and business plan go hand in hand. With both, you need to follow your own advice and stick to whatever plan you make for yourself. Along with that, we can make your small business stand out by developing programs that can help your business stand out. From programs aimed at retaining customers to help with making sure that you have strong reviews online, we can put strategies in place for all of this.

Finding The Right Talent

We’ve worked on finding the right talent and strategies for determining exactly the kind of employees you need to hire. Part of this will involve looking at your current employees to understand the responsibilities you need to fulfill. Also, we can help you determine the right job descriptions to be looking for. From start to finish, we can help you find the perfect people to work with your company, regardless of the role you’re looking to hire.

Expansion Plan

Any business looking to expand needs the funds to do so. Not only will we help you find a location in which to open your grown business, but we can also help you get the funding you need. We will work with you every step of the way in order to help your business get every dollar it needs. We have the know-how to get loans and financing that you can’t learn on your own.
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